Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development

Call for application – APAD Board

Oct 18, 2021 | Focus, News

APAD is a very beautiful collective adventure, which is based on the voluntary commitment of its members and in particular members of its Board, whose individual and collective investment is decisive.

The next General Assembly will take place during our Lomé conference, in december. It will be an opportunity to elect our new board. APAD Board has a maximum of 17 members, who are elected for 4 years, half of them being elected each General Assembly. .

Being a candidate for the Board supposes:

  • - To know and share the objectives of APAD (in-depth empirical research on the links between social change and development, dialogue with practitioners, promotion of young researchers and African research, etc.);
  • - To be an APAD member and having paid the 2021 membership fee (see APAD website);
  • - To be ready to engage in our collective dynamic and to work for APAD activities that have been decided collectively or that fall within the classic remit of an Association Bureau (general secretariat, treasury, monitoring and website management, etc.).
  • - To make oneself available for the monthly Board meetings, which allow for strategic decisions to be made or to prepare an event; decisions that were collectively discussed during these meetings. Board meetings are mainly in french.

If you want to candidate, please send a CV and a brief motivation letter to APAD secretary (, before November 2021 the 10th. These nominations with individual presentations and "professions of faith" will be circulated to all APAD members before the GA.

Send your aplication to APAD secretary (, before November 2021 the 10th.