Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development

Becoming a member of APAD means supporting its mission and activities, and benefiting from privileged access to its journal Anthropologie & développement (you will receive the issue as soon as it is published, in paper or pdf format, without waiting 6 months to access it on openedition), conferences and certain online events.

Apad offers individual and institutional memberships for organisations, laboratories and universities wishing to contribute to Apad’s missions and offer benefits to their members

APAD board 2013-2015 during 2013 conference in Montpellier.

Individual membership

Being a member of APAD and paying one’s membership fees allows you to;

  • receive the journal Anthropologie & développement(one issue per year)
  • and receive regular updates and news by e-mail.

Membership fees are annual and correspond to the calendar year. Members who join during the year will receive the issues already published within the year.

APAD offers normal and reduced membership fees. Some students have scholarships and resources, others do not. In Africa, given the opportunities for salary supplements and for consulting, one’s basic salary is not always a good indicator of revenue. Therefore, the average monthly revenue is used to determine one’s membership fees. We rely on the honesty of our members: APAD mainly subsists on fees paid by its members; the reduced fees do not cover the cost of printing and of distribution of the Journal.. The amount of the fees had not been reassessed since… 2001. It increases from 2020 onwards.

  • Monthly revenue above 800€ : 50 € (or 32,000 FCFA)
  • Monthly revenue below 800€ : 25 € (or 16,000 FCFA)

Membership is free if your institution is an institutional member and up to date with its own membership fees.

or log in to get your Apad membership

Institutional membership

Institutional memberships enable research, higher education or development organisations interested in the APAD project to support its mission and its contribution to the promotion and dissemination of research in development anthropology and the training of young researchers. The institutional membership fee gives institutional members the opportunity a) to join an international network involving dozens of institutions and hundreds of researchers in the North and South; b) to support research on development and social change in the countries of the South; and c) to contribute to North/South exchanges in research training. It offers free individual membership to their researchers and students interested in the association. The institution’s involvement in APAD’s activities is visible on the site’s home page.

The membership fee is €500/year for institutions in the North (research laboratories, NGOs, etc.) and €200/year for institutions in the South, with a renewable 4-year commitment. It is €1,500/year for institutions wishing to show greater support and universities covering several interested laboratories. Partnerships can also take the form of multi-year agreements (contact the secretariat).

Why becoming institutional member?

Link toward the institutional membership form