Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development

Perspective and deconstruction of the imperial eye in colonial photography.

Auteur(s) : Azamede Kokou ;

Historical images used for colonial propaganda represent a significant collection of the material held in museums and archives. They reflect a common history of the colonized and colonizing peoples and are part of their common heritage. That is why they are supposed to circulate easily in the spaces of the peoples represented by the actors who appear in them and who symbolize the colonial past. Unfortunately, the circulation of these colonial images is often controversial depending on whether they are found in the space of the colonized or in that of the colonizer. In order to facilitate the circulation of colonial photography and to make possible an intercultural dialogue around it, it is therefore important to read these images taking into account the socio-cultural and historical dimensions of each one. In this case, the imperial view of colonialism that emerges from the images can be deconstructed and translated differently in the reality of each party concerned.

The present contribution aims to show to what extent a colonial image can be analysed and made accessible to all when it is stripped of its propagandistic view and placed in its socio-cultural context.

Mot-clé : colonial photography - Perspective - deconstruction - circulation - intercultural dialogue

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Toutes les communications appartenant au même panel :

Voir le panel Circulation et enjeux culturels et politiques des objets ethnographiques, le cas de la photographie coloniale / “Circulation and cultural and political challenges of ethnographic objects, the case of colonial photography”

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