Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development

From Burkina Faso to Ghana: Agricultural Migration in Times of Climate Crisis

Auteur(s) : Artigaud Cécile ;

People in West Africa, particularly in the Sahel, have a long history of migration. Seen as a phenomenon distinct from refugee movements, which are (generally) the result of singular and unpredictable events (e.g. civil unrest, changes in political regimes, government decisions) (Piguet, 2018; Zolberg, 1983, Black, 1991), migration is often described as a choice made after assessing one’s status and/or the socio-economic situation of one’s country in relation to the system of a richer and more politically stable host society (Richmond, 1993). This communication aims to go beyond these simplistic classifications by exploring the nuanced dynamics of mobility between Burkina Faso and Ghana. While Burkina Faso faces conflict and security issues, the adverse effects of climate change pose significant challenges to agricultural productivity and resource availability. In this context, climate change challenges the controversial distinction between ‘forced’ and ‘voluntary’ migration, as it puts increasing pressure on the lifestyles of individuals and communities seeking alternative livelihoods in neighbouring countries. In times of crisis, how do migrants’ current experiences challenge or redefine conventional distinctions between ‘forced’ and ‘voluntary’ migration? How are migrants’ decisions influenced and shaped by the interplay of environmental, economic and security factors? What conceptual approaches in the social sciences could be used to address the complexity of the decision to migrate? To address these questions, we will draw on a literature review and the analysis of biographical interviews conducted in Burkina Faso and/or Ghana.

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