by Admin-Apad | 23 Nov 2015 | Conference, News
Our 2015 conference took place in Cotonou (Benin) on 17-20 november. It has been coorganised with LADYD (FSA/UAC), LASDEL, Abomey Calavi University, and l’IRD, and with financial support from Swiss Cooperation, Netherlands Embassy in Cotonou, French Agency for Development and Belgium Cooperation. Around 100 papers have been presented et discussed, in an atmosphere both studious and relaxed
Some pictures
by Admin-Apad | 12 Nov 2015 | News
A new Book in our APAD/Karthala books serie
Fruit of a long research, this work proposes an original perspective on the relationships between international aid and civil societies in Niger. It studies complex dynamics of the associative sector, the tensions which cross it, as well as the way the European Union defined, by groping, its policy toward “Non State Actors”.
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