by Philippe Lavigne Delville | 18 Oct 2021 | Focus, News
APAD is a very beautiful collective adventure, which is based on the voluntary commitment of its members and in particular members of its Board, whose individual and collective investment is decisive.
The next General Assembly will take place during our Lomé conference, in december. It will be an opportunity to elect our new board. APAD Board has a maximum of 17 members, who are elected for 4 years, half of them being elected each General Assembly. .
Being a candidate for the Board supposes:
- – To know and share the objectives of APAD (in-depth empirical research on the links between social change and development, dialogue with practitioners, promotion of young researchers and African research, etc.);
- – To be an APAD member and having paid the 2021 membership fee (see APAD website);
- – To be ready to engage in our collective dynamic and to work for APAD activities that have been decided collectively or that fall within the classic remit of an Association Bureau (general secretariat, treasury, monitoring and website management, etc.).
- – To make oneself available for the monthly Board meetings, which allow for strategic decisions to be made or to prepare an event; decisions that were collectively discussed during these meetings. Board meetings are mainly in french.
If you want to candidate, please send a CV and a brief motivation letter to APAD secretary (, before November 2021 the 10th. These nominations with individual presentations and “professions of faith” will be circulated to all APAD members before the GA.
Send your aplication to APAD secretary (, before November 2021 the 10th.
by Philippe Lavigne Delville | 11 Oct 2021 | Conference 2020, Focus, News
You will find all the information at the following links:
et pour la France :
ECOWASnationals can enter Togo freely without a visa with a valid passport or a national identity card.
Non-ECOWAS nationals must have a passport with a visa. Non-ECOWAS participants will need a 15-day entry visa which we advise you to anticipate as much as possible. The passport must be valid for 6 months after the date of return and have at least 3 blank pages, 2 of which must be face to face.
Pour la France en tous cas, la demande de visa se fait en ligne :
It is possible to apply for a visa on arrival at Lomé airport. However, this is a one-week visa and not a day longer. You will have to go to the visa and passport center if you go beyond this limit. This is time consuming and not very pleasant. We advise you to take it in your respective country of residence.
You will find the latest instructions for your entry in Togo on the following link:
The information has been checked by the Togolese members of the organizing committee. However, procedures may change. We will provide updates. However, check on the official website.
1/ Before departure:
1- You must have a negative PCR test dating less than 7 days;
2- Have an up-to-date vaccination certificate according to international health regulations (the famous yellow fever, meningitis, etc. vaccination booklet);
3- Be registered on the website (accessible one month before the departure date) and have printed the completed form.
UPDATE: Contrary to previous information, a COVID vaccination certificate is not required!
2/ Upon arrival at Lomé airport, quarantine for travellers is no longer mandatory since 22 September.
However, you will have to:
– Perform a mandatory COVID-19 PCR test. This test is carried out at the dedicated laboratory for screening arriving passengers, located in the new terminal building at Lomé airport.
The cost of the PCR test in Togo is 25,000 Cfa (38.17 euros).
UPDATE: It is strongly recommended to pay in advance, before leaving, the fee for the COVID-19 PCR test that will be performed upon arrival. The payment module is on and can be accessed once you have your registration number on the same site (see point 3 above). However, the local authorities, contacted by the organising committee, assure that it will still be possible to pay these fees on site.
– Remain in self-containment until you receive the results of your COVID-19 PCR test at the airport by SMS and email. The PCR result is available within 24 to 48 hours. The PCR result is available within 24 to 48 hours.
Due to this 48-hour delay, we recommend that you arrive in Lomé at least 48 hours before the start of the conference to ensure that you receive the results in good time.
Travelers who test positive will be placed in strict quarantine until their test results are negative. Should this happen, the organizing committee will unfortunately not be able to cover the costs incurred.
3/ During the stay in Togo, all travelers must strictly comply with the rules in force in Togo, without the organizers being able to intervene to have these rules modified or relaxed.
In Togo,travelers should respect the barrier measures (wearing a mask, maintaining a social distance of 2m, regular hand washing, etc.) and all the measures set out by the Togolese government to contain the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus in the country.
4/ Before leaving Lomé, you must:
1 – Fill in the health and immigration declaration form (the form is here:
2- Pay the fee for the COVID-19 PCR test via Flooz, T-Money or Credit Card (VISA or Mastercard). An electronic receipt containing a QR-Code will be sent to you by email, once the payment is made. The COVID-19 PCR test must be done within 3 days before departure.
Special case: Travellers whose stay in Togo does not exceed 5 days are exempted from retesting with COVID-19, upon departure from Lomé, if the test done upon arrival at the airport is negative However, they must comply with the requirements of the country of destination.
- 3 – Print your electronic receiptwhich serves as proof of payment.
4 – Go to the laboratory dedicated to the screening of passengers departing from Lomé, located in the old terminal building of Lomé airport, to perform the PCR COVID-19 test. You must have your identity document, your flight ticket and your electronic receipt showing that you have paid for your PCR COVID-19 test.
The test results are sent to you by SMS and email within 24 hours (It is important to provide a valid email address to receive the test results).
Travelers who test positive are placed in strict quarantine until their test results are negative. They are responsible for all associated costs. They are responsible for all associated costs.
The airlines undertake to change the tickets of travellers who test positive and their accompanying persons free of charge.
For this fourth stage, which will take place in the middle of the conference, the organizing committee is negotiating a collective solution that will make the process easier(collective screening, transport by minibus to the airport, etc.). rt en minibus jusqu’à l’aéroport…). We will keep you informed of the exact procedure to follow. We will do our utmost to ensure that this pre-departure test be as easy and fast as possible.
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