Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development
Just published: Sociotechnical Myths in Development (Anthropologie & développement n°46-47)

Just published: Sociotechnical Myths in Development (Anthropologie & développement n°46-47)

Just published : Anthropologie & développement n°46-47 (Jean-Philippe Venot and Gert Jan Veldwisch eds)

Sommaire / Contents

Sociotechnical Myths in Development. Introduction to a Special Issue. Jean-Philippe Venot, Gert Jan Veldwisch

Mythes sociotechniques et développement. Introduction au numéro spécial. Jean-Philippe Venot , Gert Jan Veldwisch

“The Prince and the Magic Magnet”: An Ethnographic Tale of Technology, Power and Health in AfricaJean-François Werner

Le système de riziculture intensive ou « SRI » à Madagascar. Entre légende urbaine et innovation ruraleGeorges Serpantié

The Introduction of SRI in Uttarakhand, India. Technopolitical Mythologies and Sociotechnical Flexibility. Debashish Sen, Harro Maat, Dominic Glover, C. Shambu Prasad

Politiques des objets et objets politiques. Les adductions d’eau villageoises en Afrique de l’Ouest. Fabrice Gangneron

Performing Maps and Masculinity in Irrigation Planning in Nepal. Why Modernization Myths Live on in Spite of Professional Reflexivity. Janwillem Liebrand

Myth and Ritual in Irrigation Policy and Water Reforms. Edwin Rap

Lueurs et leurres de la santé globale. À propos de MenAfriVac®, un vaccin « africain » contre la méningite. Oumy Thiongane, Janice Graham, Hélène Broutin

Randomized Controlled Experiments to End Poverty? A Sociotechnical Analysis. Nassima Abdelghafour

APAD 2018 Conference: call for papers for the panels

APAD 2018 Conference: call for papers for the panels

Next APAD international conference will take place at Roskilde University (Denmark) on 23-25 May 2018, on “Migrations, citizenships, development”. It is organized in partnership with the Universities of Roskilde et Copenhagen, IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development), and with a support of AFD (French Development Agency).

This topic received a lot of enthousiasm. 44 panels have been selected.  See the list and presentation of selected panels on the Conference website.

Papers proposals for the panels have to be sent to panels convenors (see their e-mails on the panel list). Panel convenors will select the proposals and send a full panel program (4 communications) to the Organization Committee before January the 15th.

The Conference website is open, est ouvert, online registration also.