Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development
Covid-19 from Africa : post-coronial thoughts

Covid-19 from Africa : post-coronial thoughts

Politique Africaine and APAD offer you a room for information sharing and debate on Covid-19 as seen from Africa, which is hosted on the Hypotheses blog of the journal Politique Africaine. Here is the presentation. To your contributions !

A joint initiative of Politique Africaine and APAD, the section “Covid-19 and its aftermath” was born from a proposal by Fanny Chabrol (Ceped, IRD), Pierre-Marie David (Université de Montréal), Moritz Hunsmann (Iris, CNRS) and Oumy Thiongane (Dalhousie University and APAD). This section welcomes contributions in a variety of formats and encourages spontaneity. We invite you to submit analysis notes (about 1000-2000 words), and do not hesitate to cite sources and references available online in the form of hyperlinks. We are also open to more specific reflections that could be prompted, for example, by confrontation with images or videos (from current events or, on the contrary, from the past), with possible scenarios, with objects and scenes from daily life on the continent at the present time, or with possible or impossible words or translations. The aim is to create an evolving space, made of formal and informal echoes from the social sciences. Without seeking exhaustiveness and far from any explanatory arrogance, we hope that the multiplication of diverse contributions will make it possible to describe, discuss and possibly contribute to construct different “meanings” at the heart of the epidemic and its multiple “after”.

Report du Colloque de Lomé à décembre / Lomé Conference postponed to december

Initialement prévu en juin 2020, le colloque APAD 2020 a été reporté aux 8-11 décembre 2020 du fait de la crise du COVID-19. Le programme scientifique complet est stabilisé, et restera inchangé. 218 propositions ont été reçues, et 138 sélectionnées pour les 21 panels, qui comprendront chacun 4 ou 8 communications. Nous attendons près de 200 participants.

Nous aurons également deux conférenciers : Sanjay Subramanyam, professeur au Collège de France et à l’Université de Californie à Los Angeles (UCLA) , et Nina Sylvanus, professeure à la Northeastern University, Boston.

Un événement spécial « COVID 19 : circulation des virus, circulation des ripostes » sera ajouté au programme.

Merci de prendre bonne note des nouvelles dates, qui seront confirmées début septembre en fonction de l’évolution de la situation.


Initially scheduled for June 2020, the APAD 2020 conference has been postponed to 8-11 December 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis.

The full scientific programme has been stabilised and will remain unchanged. 218 proposals have been received, and 138 selected for the 21 panels, which will each include 4 or 8 papers. We expect nearly 200 participants. We will also have two key-note speakers:

  • Sanjay Subramanyam, Professor at the Collège de France and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • Nina Sylvanus, Professor at Northeastern University, Boston.

A special event “COVID 19: Virus Circulation, Response Circulation” will be added to the programme.

Please take note of the new dates, which will be confirmed in early September depending on the evolution of the situation.

Une nouvelle formule pour notre revue !  A new formula for our Journal!

Une nouvelle formule pour notre revue ! A new formula for our Journal!

Une nouvelle formule pour notre revue !

Depuis la transformation du Bulletin de l’APAD en Anthropologie & développement en 2013, notre revue était auto-éditée par l’APAD. Elle sera désormais éditée par les Presses universitaires de Louvain, en partenariat avec la coopérative d’édition CIACO. Daté de 2019, le n° 50 inaugurera cette nouvelle formule. Publié en retard du fait de ces changements, il est actuellement sous presse. Le n°51 (2020) sortira avant la fin de l’année.

Nous passons à un numéro annuel, correspondant aux anciens numéros doubles. Le format est agrandi, le papier plus beau, la maquette revue. La revue sera disponible à l’achat sur le site de CIACO et via les libraires, ce qui facilitera sa diffusion. Nous gardons évidemment le principe d’une mise en ligne gratuite au bout de 6 mois.

Nous espérons que cette nouvelle formule vous plaira !

A new formula for our Journal!

Since the transformation of the APAD Bulletin into the journal Anthropology & development in 2013, our journal has been self-published by APAD. It will now be published by the Presses universitaires de Louvain, in partnership with the publishing
cooperative CIACO. Issue no. 50 will inaugurate this new formula. Published late due to these changes, it is currently in press. Issue no. 51 (2020) will come out before the end of the year.

We are moving to an annual issue, corresponding to the former double issues, with a dossier and varia articles. The format has been enlarged, the paper is more beautiful, and the layout has been revised. The journal will be available for purchase on the CIACO website and via booksellers, which will facilitate its distribution. Of course, we have kept the principle of a free online publication after 6 months.

We hope that you will like it!