Association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement
Association for the anthropology of social change and development

Colonies in Color – the Impact of New Media in Colonial Propaganda in the early 20th Century

Colonies in Color – the Impact of New Media in Colonial Propaganda in the early 20th Century

Auteur(s) : Jäger Jens ;

The new technology of color photography was quickly adapted by colonial propagandists in Germany. In 1907 a German publisher commissioned three photographers to take color photographs in the German colonies. These images circulated widely in Germany from 1910 onwards. They boosted interest in the imperial policies of the German Empire and proved to be effective instruments of colonial propaganda. The images were published way beyond the time of the German Empire and still feature in contemporary accounts of Germany’s colonial history. Many of the pictures taken between 1907 and 1909 are still used as illustrations, e.g. in Wikipedia.

The communication will present recent research on the images, their producers and their use before 1914. The argument will highlight those images taken in Togo in 1907/1908 by Robert Lohmeyer (1879-1959).

Mot-clé : "photography", Colonial Propaganda, Color Photography, German Empire, and Togo

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